D igital Energ y Opt i m um

DENERGIUM is a company dedicated to making the HPC–AI world more efficient. All the technologies are based on the energy criterion which is the only metric capable of providing optimization in a complex world.

EnergyScopium : A Three‑Step Optimization for your HPC–AI Center

EnergyScopium is a software dedicated to understanding how applications are using energy and how to optimize it. To do so, we offer a three‑step approach : Measure, Understand, Optimize

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Energy Expertise

Hervé MATHIEU in front of a computer

After 10 years of research at Inria, DENERGIUM developed expertise in the area of software optimization. By using energy data, new optimizations are possible.

DENERGIUM can help you improve the energy efficiency of your software or your HPC infrastructure.

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Contact us at contact@denergium.com